Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Crockpot Italian Chicken

Contrary to popular belief, this recipe is actually different from the Italian Parmesan Chicken dish I made last month (and this one was far more delicious in my opinion). Just make sure you don't cook your chicken too long... For only three ingredients and a few minutes of prep time, it's a fantastic go-to dish. Enjoy!


Servings: 3

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 1+/oz of chicken and 3+ for 1/3 serving of sauce/mix = about 7+ total

I only used a "half" of each of the ingredients... feel free to use a "full" serving of each if you would like (I was just trying to cut down on fat/sodium).
  • 2-4 Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breasts
  • 1/2 can Campbell's Healthy Request Cream of Chicken Soup
  • 4 oz (1/2 pkg) Philadelphia Cream Cheese (1/3 less fat)
  • 1/2 packet Kraft Italian Anything Mix
  1. Combine all ingredients in a Crockpot and cook on low for 3 hours (or high for 1 1/2 hours).
  2. Pretty simple isn't it? Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mac & Cheese Mugs

There's a quote from Thomas Edison when asked about his invention of the lightbulb... it goes something like this:

"I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."

Well, my experiments in the kitchen were kind of similar. Except I did not fail 3 times. I just successfully discovered 3 ways how NOT to make Mac & Cheese in the microwave.

The first time through, I followed the recipe I found, but used Weight Watchers Mexican blend cheese and used 1/4 cup milk as suggested. Not only was water all over my microwave during cooking, but the consistency was way off, making it taste like pasta with cheese difficult to chew. I present to you Exhibit A off to the right (photos of the overflowing microwave not pictured)... FAIL

So then I mixed things up a bit for my dad's portion, still keeping with the mug concept. Water still went everywhere, but this time when it all spilled over, I just went with it. When the pasta was fully cooked, I added only a SPLASH of milk (think 1/8 cup) and stirred in the real deal of cheddar cheese, not re-microwaving it. I present to you Exhibit B off to the left... PASS on presentation, SEMI-FAIL on nutrition (see below... it was full of fat... and not the good kind).

Then it came time to make my mom's mug of mac and cheese. By this point, I was frustrated having to sop up so much water from the microwave, so I actually went ahead and grabbed a bowl and microwaved hers as normal. When the pasta was cooked (or when I thought it looked done), I poured the noodles into a mug to match the others. Again, I added a splash of milk, and this time used Parmesan cheese, not only in the hopes that it would not coagulate like my first attempt, but also to help lessen the amount of points within the dish. This one actually came out fairly well (I think... my mom was the real judge). I present to you Exhibit C off to the right... SEMI-FAIL on preparation by cooking it in a bowl and not a mug, but PASS on presentation and PASS on nutrition, so overall? WIN!

Yes, I know what you're thinking... why not just whip up some Easy Mac? It has EASY in its name, right? True, and for a lunch at work I might agree. But let's compare some nutritional values, shall we?

LOSER: Velveeta Mac & Cheese: 650 mg sodium, 31 carbs, 1 fiber, 10% calcium 
WINNER: My Parmesan Mac & Cheese Mug: 133 mg sodium, 22 carbs, 3 fiber, 13% calcium

And yes, I also know what you're thinking... if you made the third mug in a bowl, why didn't you keep it in it? Well, this is actually a bit of developmental psychology (yeah, you heard me)... while adults eventually outgrow their childhood concrete thinking, they will still always think the taller bowl has "more" (see right). No one wants to look at their large bowl of macaroni and cheese, frown, and think... "Well that's not fair, Joey has more than me!" That's just no fun. But pour that same amount of pasta into a tall mug and voila! Your perceived amount of pasta has magically increased! How's that for combining psychology and cooking for ya? So next time, use the smaller plate or bowl for the same portion size... you'll end up perceiving that you are eating more, but will end up eating less (read: the correct portion) in reality. Cool trick, huh?
"This is good stuff, kids!"
Alright, so hypothetical quotes from Thomas Edison and psychology concepts aside, this dish was pretty good. Even Piaget would agree.


Servings: 1

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 4+ using Parmesan cheese, 6+ using Cheddar cheese
Note: Nutritional values with 1 TBSP Parmesan cheese and 1/4 cup Sharp Cheddar, respectively

  • 1 oz Whole Wheat Penne Pasta (about 1/3 cup)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/8 cup (2 TBSP) milk
  • Optional Cheeses: 
    • 1/4 cup Shredded cheese
    • 1/3 cup other cheese
    • 1 TBSP Parmesan cheese (your choice)
  1. If you want the pasta to cook faster and don't mind cleaning up a bit of a spill, then add pasta and water to a large mug. Otherwise, just make things easier on yourself and cook it in a bowl and transfer the pasta for presentation later.
  2. Cook pasta in 1-2 minute intervals, stirring the pasta occasionally. When much of the water has evaporated (or spilled over), and the pasta is cooked, remove from the heat. If using a bowl, transfer pasta into a small mug (we want your guests/family to think they are eating more than they are).
  3. Remove any remaining water and add about 1-2 TBSP milk and stir. While warm, add cheese and stir. Only put back into the microwave if you feel it is necessary.
  4. Enjoy your low-sodium, homemade, and deliciously cheesy treat!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Crockpot Ranch Chicken Tacos

Sure, you could fry some hamburger or ground turkey in a skillet. Or... you could pop these few ingredients into the crockpot and have something a little tastier that you might get at your local Mexican restaurant...

It's good, you won't be disappointed. So try it. Enjoy!


Servings: 1

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 1+/oz of chicken, 1+ for 1/4 serving of sauce, 2+ for tortilla(s), 2+ for cheese, 2+ for avocado = about 5-9+ (depending on what you put in your taco)
Note: Nutritional information below is for the sauce only (1/4 serving)

  • Boneless/skinless chicken breasts
  • 2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1/2 packet Ranch mix
  • 1/2 packet (I only used 1 TBSP since I don't like "spicy") low-sodium taco seasoning
  • Your favorite taco/taco salad toppings!
  1. Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and pour into a crock pot with a few chicken breasts.
  2. Let cook on low for about 3 1/2 hours.
  3. In the last 15 minutes or so of cooking, use a spoon or fork to pull apart the chicken. 
  4. Allow it to cook a little longer and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Parmesan Baked Tilapia

I'm not usually a fish person, but I'm trying to become one... so I'm starting with cod/tilapia and will hopefully some day be able to work my way up to the ever-so-healthy salmon/tuna (but with my nose and taste buds, we'll see). This meal was actually surprisingly good... I may be making another fish meal in the near future (that's really saying something about how delicious this was)!

So easy and simple to make, and not very many calories/points at all (which is why I paired them with veggies and multiple helpings of my Rainbow Cupcakes). 



Servings: 2-4

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 3+ per fillet

  • Tilapia filets (about 1/person)
  • 2 TBSP melted butter/margarine
  • 3 TBSP Parmesan cheese (or 1 TBSP/person)
  • Optional: garlic powder
  1. Preheat oven to 375° F. 
  2. Heat butter in the microwave until melted.
  3. In a nonstick pan, cover tilapia with a few spoonfuls of melted margarine.
  4. Sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese (and garlic powder).
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes or until fish flakes apart.
  6. Top with a bit more Parmesan cheese and enjoy!

Rainbow Cupcakes

Only want 2 cupcakes and not 24? Check out my recipe Almond Cupcakes for Two. But if you want a real treat to feed a party (or if you're just really in the mood for some dessert), read on!

I was going to make these for my mom's birthday until she said she wanted Strawberries & Cream Pie. Since I still wanted to try the recipe, I paired them the other night with my Parmesan Baked Tilapia (since I knew it would be really low in points). 

Believe it or not, these cupcakes come in at only 67 calories (still less than 80 even with cheesecake cream frosting) and are only 2 POINTS+ on Weight Watchers.

But wait... there's more! These things are rainbow inside! And are topped with cheesecake cream frosting and fresh fruit! And they're wonderfully DELICIOUS!

Need I say more? I think I've made my point.


Servings: About 24 cupcakes

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: Only 2+ per cupcake!

  • Cupcake Mixture:
    • Box of Cake Mix
    • Can/Bottle of Sprite Zero
    • Gel Food Coloring
  • Icing/Toppings:
    • Cool Whip
    • Sugar Free/Fat Free Cheesecake Jello
    • Fresh Fruit

  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Pour cake mix into a large bowl and gradually add Sprite Zero (I actually only used about 3/4 bottle), mixing throughly (yes, there will be lots of carbonation at first... this does subside). Preheat oven to 350° F.
  3. When there are no more lumps, spoon mixture into 3-6 different small bowls/cups.
  4. Add gel food coloring and stir (I chose red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple... you know, ROYGBIV without the indigo).
  5. Place baking cups into a muffin tin and spoon small amounts of each color into each cup.
  6. Bake in oven for about 20-23 minutes or until center of cupcake is fully cooked.
  7. While cooking, combine 1/2 tub of cool whip (I happened to have fat free) and 1/2 box of sugar-free, fat-free cheesecake jello and stir. Add water until the mixture has a frosting-like consistency.
  8. Allow the cupcakes to cool and top with icing (and whatever other toppings you would like... maybe even sprinkles to go with the rainbow theme).
  9. Enjoy!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Simple Thai Peanut Sauce

Alright, you have a vegan coming to stay with you for a few days. You've run out of  Lentil Loaf. You make...

THAI PEANUT SAUCE with noodles of course!

Yes, you can buy the pre-packaged envelopes at the grocery store. And while those may taste delicious, I have never really been one to handle super spicy foods (I'm pretty sure I would die if I actually had to eat in Thailand). So this sauce recipe is kid-friendly (read: Cooking Cadenza Chef friendly) not at all hot to the taste (that being said, if you would like to add some zest, feel free).

I was tempted to add some chicken to this dish as well, but ended up discovering that the frozen strips in our fridge may have been a bit too frost-bitten... ugh. So low-and-behold, this dish stayed as a truly vegan experience. While the chicken may have beefed-up (er, chickened-up) the recipe a bit nutrition-wise, whatever it lacked in protein was made up for by its fabulous taste.

Seriously, the picture doesn't even do this meal justice. Go make it and see for yourself.


Servings: 4

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 8+ per bowl (with 2 oz pasta, 1/4 serving sauce, veggies)
Note: Nutritional values below are for 1/4 serving of the Thai Peanut Sauce only (pasta not included)

  • Actual Dish:
    • Barilla Plus spaghetti (8 oz for 4 people)
    • Frozen peas
    • Carrot chips
    • 1 TBSP sesame oil
    • 1 TBSP soy sauce
  • Peanut Sauce:
    • 1 TBSP peanut butter
    • 1 TBSP sesame oil
    • 1 TBSP soy sauce
    • 1 TBSP brown sugar
    • 2 tsp sesame seeds (1 tsp in mixture, 1 tsp to sprinkle on top)
  1. Cook noodles according to package instructions.
  2. While water is boiling, combine all ingredients (PB, sesame oil, soy sauce, brown sugar, sesame seeds) to make the peanut sauce in a small bowl.
  3. Next, heat oils/sauces in a pan and add veggies. Fry for a few minutes until veggies have been coated (do not cook them too long).
  4. Combine spaghetti and veggies/oil into serving bowls and top with a few spoonfuls of peanut sauce (stirring throughly) and sesame seeds.
  5. เริงร่า (or enjoy)!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Crockpot Lemon Chicken

Let me preface this by saying two things: 

  1. No, this is not like the Chinese take-out type of lemon chicken, but more of an "herb" chicken.
  2. I did not actually follow the recipe I found for this dish... (that can be found here at Chef-In-Training). I was running behind on dinner that night, and didn't take the time to make the entire dish the "proper way" (if there is a "right way" in cooking). The original recipe actually has you taking the liquid mixture from the crock pot and heating it over the stove with some corn starch to create a thicker sauce. It may then be topped with slivered almonds. I didn't have time for all that, so what you see above was what we got.
Alright, now that I've said those two things... I will add one more thing: I don't know if I cooked this chicken too long again or what, but it was very tender. I wasn't a huge fan of the texture, and ended up dipping the chicken in the applesauce on my plate (which surprisingly was a good idea). So I would suggest maybe serving with some on the side (just a thought). Enjoy!


Servings: Enough for 3 people to have some leftovers... so let's say 4-6?

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 1+/oz of chicken, 1+ for sauce = about 5+
Note: Nutritional values below reflect only the sauce

  • 3 boneless/skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 c chicken broth
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 3 TBSP honey dijon mustard
  • 2 TBSP margarine, melted
  • 1/4 tsp rosemary
  • Optional: sprinkle of garlic powder/salt
  1. Heat margarine/butter in a medium-sized bowl in the microwave for a few seconds, until softened/melted.
  2. Add 1 cup chicken broth and 1/4 cup lemon juice to the bowl and stir.
  3. Stir in 3 TBSP honey dijon mustard and rosemary (and optional garlic powder).
  4. Combine all ingredients in the crock pot (coating the chicken) and cook on low for about 3 1/2 hours.
  5. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Elvis Oatmeal

Okay, I'm preparing you now... this bowl is CARBO-LOADED (so should probably be paired with something like cheesy eggs/Greek yogurt/etc), but was made because I wanted something a little different. Variety is the spice of life, right? Since Elvis was known for his peanut butter and banana sandwiches, I decided to call this particular combo "Elvis Oatmeal." While I wouldn't have this every morning, it is a good breakfast for every once and a while... especially when you have a sweet tooth or craving for some peanut butter going on.


Servings: 1

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 7+

  • 1/2 cup Oatmeal
  • 1/4 cup Almond Milk (can also use regular or omit)
  • 1 TBSP Peanut Butter (I used omega 3... hence the high monounsaturated fat content)
  • 1 small banana, chopped
  • Optional: dash of cinnamon
  1. Cook oatmeal according to package instructions (using water).
  2. Add milk if desired to create a creamier consistency.
  3. Stir in 1 TBSP of peanut butter.
  4. Top with banana slices and if you would like, sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top.
  5. That's it... you're ready to ROCK 'N ROLL!