Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Almond Cupcakes for Two

It was my dad's birthday tonight, and I really wanted to make him a special birthday treat (cake-wise that is), but not something with a massive quantity. You see, I'm not one for putting 30 cupcakes in the house (as I know I WILL end up eating them, without a doubt), especially when my mother has given up white flour for lent and when my father still has his chocolate-chip cookies coming on the way from my Nana. We don't need all that dessert, but I did want a cupcake and for my dad to have something a little sweet for his birthday to go with his favorite dinner (of my Mom's Meatloaf).

But all those darn cake boxes at the store would yield 2 DOZEN cupcakes. Now I have friends, but I still don't know what I'd do to get rid of 24 cupcakes sitting on our kitchen counter. I had seen a recipe of cupcakes for two before, so I figured I would give it a go... but once again pull out my variation on a theme card to try and make them slightly healthier.

The result was surprisingly good, although I will sheepishly admit that I was so excited that I may have pulled them out of the oven a little too soon after only 15-20 minutes. They were slightly doughy, but if that's the only thing I would fix, I consider these a wonderful treat (I kind of liked them that way). They actually kind of came out pretty similar to my favorite almond-flavored sugar cookies from Eileen's Colossal Cookies back when I went to school at KU. Wow, were those the best. I was even able to individualize each cupcake, topping my dad's with a simple powdered sugar/water/vanilla icing with sprinkles and mine with fat-free whipped cream and strawberries. Almond strawberry shortcake? Yes, please.


Servings: 2 cupcakes total

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 3+ per cupcake
  • 1 egg white
  • 3 packets of Stevia (roughly 2 TBSP sugar)
  • 2 TBSP margarine (or butter)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla 
  • 1 tsp almond (I really like it)
  • 1/4 c flour
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder*
  • 1/4 tsp salt*
  • 1 1/2 TBSP skim milk
* I may omit one of these two ingredients the next time I make this recipe if it doesn't affect the baking too much... the sodium count in the nutrition was a bit too high for me. 


Update: These things were so good I had to make them again tonight (less than a week later)... I took out the salt entirely, used half of the baking powder, added some cream of tarter/1 tsp powdered sugar, only used 1 TBSP skim milk, and cooked them for 22 minutes. They were a much better consistency than the first time!
  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Gently whisk and egg white in a small bowl, adding in sugar substitute, margarine, extracts, and salts. 
  3. Gradually add flour until 1/4 c has been added.
  4. Pour in about 1 1/2 TBSP of milk to help create more of a cake batter mixture (try not to eat the dough... I will attest to how hard of a task this is... I did lick the spoon, though).
  5. Place two muffin/cupcake papers into a muffin tin and divide the batter into each tin.
  6. Add water to the additional empty tins (to keep them from burning in the oven).
  7. Bake for about 20-25 minutes (or until batter looks completely cooked).
  8. Allow for them to cool and then top with your favorite icing/fruit/etc.
  9. Enjoy!

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