Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cheese Omelet & PB Toast

Simple recipe and meal, I know. But I just couldn't resist... you see, yesterday morning I set out to try and make Eggs Benedict... you know, in honor of the Pope's resignation. But then I realized I didn't actually know how to make them, so I made a cheese omelette instead (much easier). Of course, seeing as breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, I also paired it with some PB toast and Greek yogurt. Just another idea if you find yourself in a rut I suppose... Enjoy!


Servings: 1

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 6+

Ingredients: (in case you were overly curious as to what I used)
  • 1 large EB egg
  • 3 TBSP Egg substitute
  • 1/3 c WW Mexican blend cheese
  • 1 slice Healthy Life white bread
  • 1/2 tbsp JIF Peanut Butter 
Directions: I highly doubt these are necessary...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blueberries & Cream Oatmeal

Alright, I know I created Cooking Cadenza to post all of my delicious dinner recipes that I have been cooking for my family, but I couldn't help but share this gem of a treat I put together earlier this morning for breakfast (not only the most important meal of the day, but also my favorite). And let me tell you, this treat was basically a delicious dessert (for breakfast) in a bowl.

My trainer has been trying for the past few months to get me to alter my eating habits, and this creation was one of those (albeit small) attempts to try and follow her advice. You see, I am a carbohydrate type of girl. Love the stuff. Let me put it this way, without trying, my diet breaks down to be about 65% carbs, 15% fat, and 20% protein. But according to my trainer, this type of diet doesn't consist of the correct types of foods that I should be eating to build muscle, hold off hunger, or improve overall health. Rather, my wonderful personal trainer wants me to eat 20% carbs, 30% fat, and 50% protein. As you can see, I'm struggling.

Each day, I get closer to that 50% goal, but it's still fairly difficult. Even if I don't in fact make it to that much protein per day, I am at least making an attempt to get a little closer (right now I'm sitting on about 25-30%/day, already an improvement from where I started). But sadly, that doesn't always include having plain oatmeal on my breakfast list. You see, when oatmeal is broken down by its values, it comes out to be 70% carbs, 17% fat, and 13% protein. Not cool. I love oatmeal. It's just so filling (in the moment at least) and warm and wonderful! But I noticed that when paired with a small container of light Greek yogurt, the breakdown suddenly becomes 62% carbs, 12% fat, and 26% protein. Add some low-fat string cheese and that breakdown becomes 53% carbs, 17% fat, and 30% protein. While my trainer would still probably prefer that I choose to have a cheese omelet for breakfast instead, the alterations/additions I made to this dish do make me feel slightly less guilty for indulging in one of my favorite breakfast meals (and this dish tastes so good it's basically like me getting to splurge on a healthier-type dessert).

So here you go, my newest "accidental creation" in the kitchen... Enjoy!


Servings: 1

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 6+

  • Instant Oatmeal
  • Fresh/frozen blueberries
  • Dannon Light and Fit Greek vanilla yogurt
  1. Cook oatmeal according to package directions.
  2. If using frozen blueberries, add blueberries prior to heating.
  3. Mix in one container of vanilla Greek yogurt.
  4. Enjoy!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Crock Pot Sweet and Sour Chicken

So other than cooking the chicken a little too long, this was a pretty good dinner (and smelled wonderful throughout the house, too). Enjoy!


Servings: 4

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 7+ (not counting veggies), 8+ (counting veggies)

  • About 2 lbs. chicken breast, cubed
  • 1/2 c sweet & sour sauce
  • 1/2 c orange juice (I used Trop50 for less sugar)
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp onion powder/minced onion
  • 1 bag frozen vegetables (I used broccoli, carrots, snap peas, and water chestnuts)
  1. Remove all gristle from the chicken breasts and cut them into small chunks/cubes. Place into the crock pot.
  2. Add 1/4 tsp garlic and onion powder, coating all sides of the chicken pieces.
  3. In a small bowl, combine all remaining ingredients before pouring mixture into the crock pot to cover the chicken.
  4. Cook for either 3 hours on low or 1.5 hours on high in the crock pot.
  5. Cook frozen vegetables according to package directions before adding the bag to the crock pot to let cook for another 5 or so minutes.
  6. Serve over white/brown rice and enjoy!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mom's Meatloaf

This picture just doesn't do this meal justice... it was delicious. While this is a basic recipe, I will sheepishly admit that it was in fact my first time making this dish. So I've included it on Cooking Cadenza should another new chef (like myself) need a recipe (or the nutrition info) for a quick and simple meatloaf.


Servings: 8

Nutritional Information:

The first time I made this recipe, I used lean (80%) ground beef. And wow was there a TON of grease. The next time I put this meal together for my dad's birthday, I used extra lean (90%) ground beef. Values below reflect the two various fat contents... Sure, the 90% has a little more sodium/cholesterol. But I feel like the additional protein and lack of disgusting dishes to clean up afterwards makes up for it.

WW Points Plus: 7+ for 80% (lean),  6+ for 90% (extra lean)

  • About 24 oz (about 1.5 lbs) (extra) lean ground beef
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 c oatmeal
  • 1/2 c ketchup
  • 1/8 c onion
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl until ketchup, egg, oatmeal, and spices have thoroughly coated the meat.
  3. Place all ingredients into a medium sized dish and bake in the oven for about an hour or until the edges begin to brown.
  4. Enjoy! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Avocado Pasta

This dish makes me think of the FRIENDS episode where Rachel attempts to make a trifle, but accidentally looks at the recipe above the right one and ends up creating a jelly/meat/dessert dish. While everyone else in the room realizes how disgusting it is, Joey continues to eat it, listing all the ingredients in the dish as separate foods saying that they are all good (the clip may be found here: Rachel's Dessert). May I present my evaluation of this dish...

"Guacamole? Goooood. Pasta? Goooood. Slivered almonds on top? Goooood. Whole dish together? Surprisingly goooood."


Servings: 3-4

Nutritional Information:

WW Points Plus: 13+ for pasta, add 2+ for 2 TBSP of slivered almonds on top (they're worth it for the extra crunchiness)

Side note: To make this dish worth fewer WW Points+, see below. Also, you may choose to use only one avocado and not top with nuts.

REVISED NUTRITION (for 4 total servings): using 1 TBSP olive oil, 2 small avocados, 2 TBSP lemon juice, and 1/4 tsp garlic salt / Calories: 157, Fat: 15, Sat Fat: 2, Polyunsat Fat: 1, Monounsat Fat: 7.5, Trans: 0, Chol: 0, Sodium: 63mg, Potassium: 385mg, Sugar: 0g, VitA: 0%, VitC: 15%, Calcium: 0%, Iron: 5% / 4+ for sauce (with 1 cup pasta, total dish is only 9+)

  • 3 servings of pasta (Barilla Plus penne)
  •  2 ripe avocados, seed and skin removed
  • 1½ tbsp olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, peeled
  •  ¼ tsp salt
  •  2 tbsp lemon juice
  • Grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 tbsp nuts (slivered almonds)

  1. Cook pasta according to the package directions.
  2. While the pasta is cooking, add 1 tbsp olive oil, avocado, garlic, salt, and lemon juice to a food processor. Pulse until the ingredients are smooth and creamy.
  3. Next wash and cut the tomatoes into small cubes, combine them with ½ tbsp olive oil and warm on low-medium heat.
  4. Strain the pasta and combine with the sauce in a large bowl, until all the pasta has been covered.
  5. Cover pasta with the tomatoes and sprinkle with parmesan cheese/slivered almonds.
  6. Enjoy!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cheesy Zucchini Rice/Quinoa

This stuff is a pretty great side. That's pretty much all you need to know. Enjoy!


Servings: 2

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 5+ for brown rice with WW cheese, 8+ for quinoa with sharp cheddar cheese

  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 c long grain brown rice or 1/2 c quinoa
  • 1/3 c unsalted chicken broth
  • 1/2 tbsp margarine
  • 1 medium zucchini (grated)
  • 1/3 c WW Mexican blend cheese or 1/4 c sharp cheddar
  • Optional: 1 tbsp skim milk, 1/8 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp garlic powder

1.     Cook the brown rice or quinoa according to the package instructions.
2.     Halfway through the cooking process, add the olive oil and chicken broth.
3.     While cooking, shred at least one zucchini using either a cheese grater or food processor.
4.     When grains have finished cooking, add the butter, milk, cheese, garlic powder, salt, and grated zucchini. Stir until cheese begins to melt and the ingredients are well combined.
5.     Enjoy!

Crock Pot Honey Sauced Chicken

Excellent flavor. And trust me, this picture doesn't do this meal justice. It's gooooood.


Servings: 4-6

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 1+/oz of chicken, 1-2+ for sauce/mixture = about 5+

Nutrition for sauce only, TOTAL mixture (divide per serving/chicken not included/using 0.25c ketchup): 493 cal, 14 fat, 2 sat fat, 0 polyunsat/monounsat/trans fat, 0 chol, 3523 sodium, 42 potassium, 96 carbs, 0 fiber, 81g sugar, 4g protein, 0% VitA, 4% VitC, 1% calcium, 1% iron

Additional Note: Values below include chicken and only use 1/8c ketchup.

  • 2 pounds of chicken breast, cubed
  •  ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • ¼ cup honey
  •  ¼ cup soy sauce
  • 1/8 cup chopped onion
  • 1/8-1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  1.  Crockpot instructions: Season chicken with salt and pepper, cut into small cubes, and place into crockpot. In a small bowl, combine honey, soy sauce, onion, ketchup, oil, and garlic. Pour over chicken. Cook on low for 3 hours or on high 1½ hours.
  2. To bake chicken immediately: Season chicken with salt and pepper and place in a pan. Pour sauce over chicken and bake at 350° F for 20 minutes, stirring after 10 minutes.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Ask any kid their favorite food and they will more than likely respond with "pizza." This recipe is exactly that... except with a grown-up and slightly "healthier" spin on it. Instead of your typical crust, this pizza is made with (you guessed it) cauliflower! I don't know what was better, the smell of the spices in the oven or the look of a real pizza. Basically, it turned out much better than I originally anticipated and I was pleasantly surprised. I don't know exactly what musical term to use here, but in cooking they call it a success. Enjoy!


Servings: depends on size of cauliflower/thickness of crust, but I would assume 1 serving

Nutritional Information:

WW Points Plus (cauliflower counted): 6+ for crust only, 9+ for whole pizza
WW Points Plus (cauliflower not counted): 4+ for crust only, 7+ for whole pizza

  • Medium cauliflower (about 4 cups)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/3 cup Weight Watchers Italian cheese
  • 1 TBSP Italian seasoning
  • Optional:
    • Salt or pepper
  • Toppings:
    • 1/4 c Tomato sauce
    • 1/3 c shredded cheese
    • Sliced tomato
    • Mushroom
    • Black olives
    • Onion
    • You name it!

  1. Preheat oven to 375° F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Remove the leaves and hard center core of the cauliflower, cutting it into florets. Wash cauliflower and then place chunks of raw cauliflower florets into a food processor until it becomes like rice.
  3. Remove any excess water in the cauliflower by placing it between paper towels or a thin dishtowel and pressing/rolling/squeezing out as much water as possible (many people will emphasize that you want a nice, dry pizza crust).
  4. In a large-sized bowl, combine the cauliflower, egg, spices, and cheese. Don't be afraid to use your hands to do this, you're going to have to move it onto the pan anyways. (Also, don't worry if it doesn't seem like it is "dough-like" enough, it will in fact hold together).
  5. Spread the cauliflower crust into an even thickness (about 1/3"), making the edges higher for a crust effect.
  6. Bake until the crust is firm/turns golden brown (about 20-25 min).
  7. Remove the pan from the oven and top the cooked crust with sauce, cheese, and toppings of your choice.
  8. Let cook for another 7-10 minutes, or until the cheese is hot/bubbly.
  9. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Parmesan Ranch Chicken

This is officially the best recipe I have made yet since starting Cooking Cadenza. There will most certainly be an encore of this dish happening sometime in the future. Enjoy!


Servings: about 12 tenders total (from 3 chicken breasts)

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 5+ for 2 tenders, 8+ for 3 tenders, 11+ for 4 tenders

  • ¾ c Panko breadcrumbs
  • ¾ c Weight Watchers Italian Blend cheese
  • ½ packet hidden valley ranch dressing mix
  • 3 chicken breasts (each split into four tenders)
  • 3 TBSP Egg Beaters

Substitutions: use cornflakes for Panko, different types of cheese, real egg/butter instead of egg beaters

1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Remove gristle from chicken and cut chicken breasts into fourths.
3. Combine Panko, cheese, and ranch dressing mix and place aside.
4. Dip chicken halves in egg and then dip into the ranch mixture.
5. Cook chicken for about 20 minutes.
6. Top with cheese and let it sit for a while until it begins to melt (alternatively, parmesan cheese may be included in the Panko/ranch mixture).
7. Enjoy!