Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sausage & Sauerkraut

Imma be honest with ya'll up front. This dish has ZERO nutrition. It's comprised of sodium, salt, sodium, and more salt. Oh, and some fat (not the kind that's good for you). That's it. So if you are trying to "lose weight" or cut down on those unhealthy things in your life/reduce your sodium intake, I suggest you try 80% of the other recipes on this blog. 

That being said, this is one of my family's favorites for its simplicity (um, hello TWO ingredients and a microwave) and taste

My best suggestion is to only have a few spoonfuls of sauerkraut to help cut down on salt intake (everything is good for you in moderation, and it's suggested that you can actually have about 2000-2500 mg a day, which is quite a bit) and to only take one serving size (2-3 oz) of meat. While that may seem small, this dish is packed with flavor... so I would suggest that you go ahead and pair it with some fresh veggies or another light dish like a salad (or be bold, and pair them with my Homemade Mashed Potatoes like I did). While I probably wouldn't suggest making this the night before a weigh-in or the day before meeting with a trainer, you shouldn't feel guilty for splurging every once and a while!


Servings: 3-5

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 5+ for 2 oz. serving of sausage, 0+ for sauerkraut

  • Polska Kielbasa sausage
  • Can of sauerkraut
  1. Open can of sauerkraut and place into a small baking dish.
  2. Cut Polska Kielbasa sausage into small 2 oz links (about 7 small chunks from the whole sausage) and add them to the dish.
  3. Microwave for 5 minutes.
  4. Voila! How easy was that?!

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