Monday, March 18, 2013

Seasoned Spaghetti Squash

You know, I really have no idea how this dish turned out. I had to head to a Zumba and Butts & Guts class that night, and I only was able to prepare the dish and stick it in the refrigerator covered in tin foil with a note written in permanent marker on top saying to bake it in the oven for about 20 min on 350° (or until the cheese melted). It looks like it turned out pretty well, though, and I didn't hear any "Yuck! Never make that again!" so I'm assuming it was alright.

If anything, it looks pretty good to me. Maybe I'll just have to make it again sometime so I can try it.


Servings: More than you think. I'm not really sure on an exact count...

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 1-2+ (depending on what you add, because the squash is 0+!)

  • Medium spaghetti squash
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1/3 c WW Italian blend cheese (Mozzarella/Parmesan/etc)
  • 1 TBSP Margarine 
  1. Preheat oven to 350° F and poke a few holes in the sides of the spaghetti squash.
  2. Bake it for about 30 minutes or until the skin is soft enough to easily cut through (Note: I have also heard that you can microwave it for about 5-10 minutes... but that you should definitely pierce it first.)
  3. Carefully remove it from the oven and cut the squash in half.
  4. Remove all seeds and place them in a separate dish.
  5. Place the squash back into the oven and allow it to cook for another 15-20 or so minutes.
  6. Once again, remove it from the oven and allow it to cool for a few minutes (Note: If you skip this step because you think you will be late to your Zumba class, you will slightly burn your fingers).
  7. When cool, use a fork to remove the spaghetti strands from the squash, scooping them into a separate bowl. They should pull apart loosely (if they do not, put it back in the oven to cook longer... shout-out to my aunt who gave me that tip).
  8. When all strands have been removed, combine with butter/margarine, spices, and cheese (or whatever other flavorings you choose to use... could be anything from cinnamon/nutmeg to salsa to chicken...).
  9. Add mixture to a pan and allow to cook for about 20 minutes, or until the cheese is slightly melted.
  10. Enjoy!

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