Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homemade Mashed Potatoes

As a kid, I always requested that my mom make my mashed potatoes "extra lumpy." Ironically enough, that was exactly the same way they turned out this last time I made them, although on accident. Turns out I am quite the "cooking fool" when it comes to mashed potatoes. Such a simple recipe, but guess I still can't exactly handle them yet. While I may not have made them "correctly," I thought they tasted great (and the nutrition wasn't as "bad" as I would have thought... especially using skim milk/light margarine).


Servings: No idea.

Nutritional Information:
WW Points Plus: 3+ for 1/2 cup, 4+ for 3/4 cup, 5+ for 1 cup

  • 3 Russet potatoes (about 900 g)
  • 2/3 cup skim milk
  • 2 TBSP light margarine
  1. Boil water in a large pan while beginning to peel the skin from the potatoes.
  2. In a separate bowl, heat the butter/milk mixture until melted/slightly warmed.
  3. Place potatoes in the water and allow them to cook until they are soft (at least 20 minutes).
  4. This is the point when I wish we had a potato masher. But alas, we did not (that I could find).
  5. Using a knife, cut the potatoes into smaller chunks.
  6. Using a hand mixer, begin to blend the potatoes, adding in the butter/milk mixture.
  7. Blend until creamy (or until desired... you may like yours extra lumpy like me).
  8. Enjoy!

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